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Dr. Philip Moore and the Smartest Dog in the World!

Meet the Smartest Dog in the World!


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solving his ball problem and take a peek at "Pookas" newborn pups



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Thank you, Dr. Philip Moore



The End of History: Messiah Conspiracy - Front Cover


by Dr. Philip N. Moore, Cathy Taibbi (Illustrator)

Book Description

This 1200 plus page work contains incredible evidence of the greatest conspiracy of all time - The Messiah Conspiracy, whereby the rabbis of early times sought to cover up the prophecies of their own Bible indicating Jesus was their Messiah. The motives behind this are both fascinating and shocking! In the little known town of Yavne, a curse was devised to seperate Jewish believers from non-believers, yet they persisted past our fourth century in notable numbers. Today, they are reemerging, amidst heavy-handed anger, in the rabbinical community. We cannot be neutral!

Read Portions of Each Chapter FREE!



Watch Dr. Philip Moore's Interview on It's Supernatural
with Sid Roth!


Broadband Video (256Kbps)

Dial-Up Video


Listen to Sid Roth interviewing
Dr. Philip Moore on his
Messianic Vision radio broadcast,
PROVING that Yeshua (Jesus)
IS the Jewish Messiah!

Sid Roth Interviews Dr. Philip Moore (MP3)



What if Hitler Won the War - Front Cover

By Dr. Philip N. Moore, Cathy Taibbi (Illustrator)

Book Description
A science fiction novel on time travel and Jewish survival in the Atomic age.

What If Hitler Won The War examines the potential "would have been" hazards and horrors of Hitler in victory in an alternative history where day is night and night becomes day. In a Germany which dominates the globe from 1945 until 2025 because a time traveler makes sure that Hitler gets the A-bomb first.

This book contains over 200 pages of appendices which factually exposes how close Hitler came to winning. This was much closer than our government let us know. Truman bombed Japan because he felt Japan would first use the A-bomb, they had made with Hitler, on us. This thought is advanced by UPI reporter Lawrence McQuillan from the book, Japan's Secret War, by Robert Wilcox, which we quote. The book, What if Hitler Won the War, shows that Hitler's claims against the Jews were false and that he could not have won the war, because the Bible predicted victory for the Jews when the Messiah would return, which is approximately 30 years to our future. If Hitler had obtained the bomb first and won the war there would be no Jews on earth today -- God forbid!"

Read Portions of Each Chapter FREE!






by Dr. Philip N. Moore, Cathy Taibbi (Illustrator)

Book Description
Hebrew prophecies regarding Jesus' two Messianic Comings--The Apocalypse and Israel are briefly covered and compared with rabbinic anti-missionary arguments.

Germ warfare (for a 'peaceful depopulation'), petra and abortion are also discussed within a context to the End Times. A lecture by Rabbi Johnathan Cahn and a discourse on the stars by Dr. D. James Kennedy are included.



Read Portions of Each Chapter FREE!



by Dr. Philip N. Moore, Cathy Taibbi (Illustrator)

Book Description
An excerpt from "The End of History - Messiah Conspiracy Volume II - Essays



by Dr. Philip N. Moore, Cathy Taibbi (Illustrator)

Book Description
This short treatise quotes Hal Lindsey, M.R. DeHaan, M.D., Reverend Clarence Larkin Gedaliah Alon, the Apocalypse of Peter, and of course, Jesus Himself, all of whom provide evidence that the liberal "Christian" attack, which continues to claim that modern Israel is not the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, is in error! Gary Demar and David Chilton, of the "Christian" Reconstructionist Movement (CRM), who also hold this view, are thoroughly refuted, as we demonstrate from the scriptures, that their claim cannot possibly stand. It is our firm belief that the CRM, with their dangerous doctrines of deceit, is an anti-Semitic movement, and should be exposed by the true Christians for the falsehoods it teaches, preaches and propogates among the laymen of today.



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