Book Description A science fiction novel on time travel and Jewish survival in the Atomic age.
What If Hitler Won The War examines the potential "would have been" hazards and horrors of Hitler in victory in an alternative history where day is night and night becomes day. In a Germany which dominates the globe from 1945 until 2025 because a time traveler makes sure that Hitler gets the A-bomb first.
New Cover

Read the first 7 chapters of this book
- Table of Contents
- Chapter
- Chapter
- Chapter
- Chapter
- Chapter
- Chapter
- Chapter
- Appendice
- Appendice
- Appendice
- Appendice
- Appendice
the Author
This book is
in no way intended to glorify Hitler. This work is created to
illustrate how close the 2nd World War really was! This writing
will reveal the horror a Hitler victory would have brought to
earth, in a new light, never before imagined. Thus, we will realize
anew how thankful we should all be that Hitler was indeed defeated
by the hand of God through the victorious allies...continues
the Inside Flap
"We all felt that there was a high probability that the Germans...
might succeed and use the Atomic bomb to become the master race."
- Albert Einstein
New insights into the "reasons" for Nazi and historic
anti-Semitism are illuminated in factual appendices, which also
show how close Hitler came to winning the war, with his own A-bomb.
WWII was much closer than the United States Government ever let
you know.
"The need for an attack became acute when, in October 1941,
the "Princes"--the underground secret intelligence service
in Denmark--sent a telegram to MI-6 saying that Niels Bohr, the
Danish physicist who was something of a confessor to the international
scientific fraternity engaged in atomic research, had received
a visitor from Germany, Professor Werner Heisenberg, a leading
figure in the German program to develop the atomic bomb, had come
to ask Bohr a very difficult question. Was it morally correct,
Heisenberg wished to know, for a physicist to engage in the construction
of such an absolute weapon, even in wartime? Bohr responded with
a question of his own. Did Heisenberg mean to imply that the Germans
believed such a weapon to be feasible? Heisenberg said, sadly,
that such was the case. The conversation left Bohr deeply shocked;
he warned the Princes and they warned London. He was, said Bohr,
convinced that Germany was on the threshold of obtaining the atomic
bomb." Anthony Cave Brown
A few days before Hitler committed suicide he launched a German
U-boat (U234) from Hamburg loaded with uranium and heavy water,
which was to dock in Japan. Japan had been working on the Atomic
bomb in conjunction wiht Hitler. Though this fact has been kept
from the world's eye, until Robert Wilcox published his book,
Japan's Secret War- Japan's Race Against Time To Build Its Own
Atomic Bomb, in 1995. Wilcox used secret FBI documents he obtained
through The Freedom of Information Act to prove the claim of his
title. Truman was briefed on Japan's progress and this was the
real reason he hit Japan twice, until she surrendered. The Washington
Post commented, "Truman... must have been aware of Japan's
nuclear capability as he deliberated about using an American Atomic
bomb." The Washington Times wrote, "...had Japan developed
the bomb first, they would have used it ruthlessly."
Lawrence McQuillan of UPI has said, "In a fascinating look
at what might have been, Robert Wilcox details just how close
Japan came to successfully building an Atomic bomb of its own
and radically altering world history."
Certainly Hitler and his ally, Japan, nearly obtained the atomic
bomb! Professor Eugene Wigner said: "We wanted... to interest
the United States to develop nuclear weapons so that Hitler should
not be the only one to possess them." In this science fiction
novel, the question of what would have been had Hitler obtained
this weapon before the United States is played out and dramatized
with remarkable skill. The frightening scenario presented is based
on little known, yet real evidence which illustrates what Hitler
had planned for his world victory after the war. Jewish scholar
Max I. Dimont, in his classic, Jews, God and History has well
noted: "... Because none but German Aryans were qualified
to live in the Nazi view, it stood to reason that everyone else
would be exterminated. The chilling reality is that when the Russians
overran the concentration camps in Poland they found enough Zyklon
B cystals to kill 20 million people. Yet there were no more than
3 million Jews left in Europe... Nazi future plans called for
the killing of 10 million non-Germanic people every year."
Now, what do you think would have happened if Hitler could have
traded in his Zyklon B gas for the bomb - read on...
the Back Cover
"For if
it had not been for the Christians, our remnant would surely have
been destroyed, and Israel's hope would have been extinguished
amidst the Gentiles, who hate us because of our faith... But God,
our Lord, has caused the Christian wise men to arise, who protect
us in every generation." RABBI EMDEN, 1757
"...[true] Christianity... distinguished itself, in the particular
of rescuing Jewish children, by the highest degree of self-sacrifice.
It may be stated without exaggeration that almost the entire remnant
of Israel which was found in the liberated countries--no matter
how small its number--has the Christians to thank for its preservation,
Christians who, by performing this action, placed their own lives
in danger." SHOLEM ASCH, Jewish scholar and author, 1945
"The evangelical community is the largest and fastest growing
block of pro-Israeli, pro-Jewish sentiment in this country."
the Author
Philip Nicholas Moore was born in Atlanta, Georgia in 1957. For
many years, he studied Greek in Atlanta and Hebrew at Ulpan Etzion
in Jerusalem. He spent eight years in Israel researching ancient
Jewish beliefs and dedicated several years to researching the
theological manuscripts of Isaac Newton at the Hebrew University
in Jerusalem.
Moore was a volunteer at the army base, Base Machena Natan, in
Beersheba, Israel. He was also a volunteer on the Temple Mount
excavation with archaeologists Elat and Binyamin Mazar, which
yielded the discovery of the "first Temple gateway"
in 1986.
For several years, Moore assisted in research for the well known
Christian author Hal Lindsey. From 1988 to 1990, Moore was instrumental
in the Hebrew dubbing and release of a Genesis Project film for
C.C.C. in Jerusalem.
Presently, Philip Moore, residing in Atlanta, Georgia is under
consideration for a doctorate degree by Immanuel Bible College
and Baptist Seminary and is completing research for his sixth
book, Israel and the Apocalypse Prophecies of Newton. Other books
by Mr. Moore include: The End of History-- Messiah Conspiracy,
Volume 1, Israel and the Apocalypse Prophecies of Newton, Nightmare
of the Apocalypse--The Rabbi Conspiracy, Eternal Security for
True Believers, A Liberal Interpretation of the Prophecy of Isreal--Disproved,
What If Hitler Won The War?, The End of Earth as We Know It (Avail.
1999), Testimony Tapes of Israeli Messianic Believers, Garden
Tomb Tour Video.
books by Philip N. Moore include:
The End of
History: Messiah Conspiracy, Nightmare of the Apocalypse, The
Rabbi Conspiracy: Excerpts from The End of History--Messiah Conspiracy
Volume II Essays, What If Hitler Won The War?: Where Would We
Be Today?, Eternal Security For True Believers, and A Liberal
Interpretation On The Prophecy Of Israel - Disproved (Nostradamus:
Biblical Sage or Sorcerer?)
from What If Hitler Won The War? (Where Would We Be Today?) by
Philip N. Moore. Copyright © 1998. Reprinted by permission.
All rights reserved
"The spirit that I have seen may be a devil; and the
devil hath power to assume a pleasing shape." HAMLET
I, Joseph Jones, woke up from what I thought was a nightmare.
As I slept I felt what could best be described as a "sonic
boom." I experienced the sensation of a rushing, mightly
wind. It was as if time itself had warped and that a new reality
had somehow replaced what I had always known to be true. In my
sleep I thought I had heard SS troops marching and speaking German
but as I awoke I knew that had to be impossible. It was 1950 and
the Nazis had been defeated in 1945. As I went over the the window
I heard someone speaking German and the words, "Heil Hitler
world ruler, in Germany" (Heil Hitler, Welt Herrscher, in
I said to myself, "I must still be asleep--still having a
nightmare." As I approached the window I peered out and saw
SS troops marching-why-how? German Nazis in California? "This
could not be," I thought. I picked up a newspaper. It's headlines
read, 'Hitler to finalize African Negro extermination this month.'
I said, "Oh my God, this can't be true. The Nazis were defeated
in '45.' Just then my door was burst down. An SS officer picked
up the Bible I had on my night stand and said, "You, you
are one too!"
"You are a Christian and your best friend is a Jew. We have
him and we are arresting you--you and he will report to the same
gas chamber."...continues
"Men's curiosity searches past and future." T.S.
In answering Joe's dilemma in how he was awaken by Nazis and the
sound of SS troops in 1950 a secret diary was discovered in an
underground library which summarized: In the year 2010 a young
anti-Semitic (Jew hating) scientist, Adolf Mengele, an illegitimate
child of the escaped Nazi war criminal, Joseph Mengele, is hard
at work in time travel experimentation. He was always fascinated
with time and learned much from Einstein's works on the subject.
Young Adolf was conceived in the late 1970's. His father, Joseph,
never saw him, but left a map in his safety deposit box under
an assumed name, which would guide his son to one of the biggest
stashes of Nazi gold ever to be found.
The cave, which held over fifty billion dollars in gold bouillon,
was in western Europe and had remained hidden for almost 70 years.
When Adolf was a young boy he always asked his German, although
American born, mother about his father. He wanted to know where
he was and why everyone was so hushed on the subject. He would
ask about 'Dad' and his mother and all of her friends and family
would become silent, looking at each other, as if a bomb had dropped,
only to quickly, but sublety, change the subject.
One day Adolf's mother, when she felt the child was old enough
to know the truth, sat him down and told him the entire story
of who his father was. She explained that his father was in hiding
during the later half of the twentieth century, enduring, she
thought, until the late 1980's through the mid 1990's and now
was most probably dead of old age. This took a toll on Adolf during
his teenage years and he became a very bitter, yet ambitious individual.
He was bitter and upset about his father's having to hide and
look over his shoulder for fear of being apprehended and tried
for his crimes against the Jews since Hitler was defeated in 1945.
He was ambitious and very excited about his technical research
in time travel and now it seemed he had put together a machine
which might be able to propel him backwards in time to where he
had always wanted to go--back to 1939--to meet the most hated
man who had lived to date, Adolf Hitler, his namesake.
His plan was malicious. He intended to give classified military
secrets, old videotapes and newspaper clippings regarding the
Atomic bomb to Adolf Hitler, six years before the end of the war.
He intended to do this so as to convince Hitler to maintain atomic
research as a first priority and to insure he obtained the bomb
first, before the United States! He intended for Hitler to win
the war and change history-- forever!
This young devil of a man, now in his thirties, had a grudge to
grind with Israel and the Jews. He was very angry with Israel
and her secret service for capturing Adolf Eichman in 1960 and
bringing him to trial in Jerusalem and therafter executing him.
He had nightmares where he saw Hitler shoot himself through the
mouth only to be delivered to the burning flame.
He was most angry about the Israeli's relentless pursuit of his
father, Dr. Joseph Mengele, who had performed experiments of torture
on so many helpless Jews. His wicked father had evaded capture
until 1998.
At the time of his apprehension Joseph Mengele was in his late
nineties. Pursuing tips, the Israeli Intelligence Organization
called MOSAD, followed leads that took them to his hide away in
Thirty-eight years before, he had narrowly escaped the MOSAD from
his precious hideout in Venezuela. He had left his home only five
days before the MOSAD Agents located his residence, as he was
warned by the Nazi underground, the Brudenschaft, of Eichman's
capture, which had just taken place...continues